KOBASHI JOJOBA OIL 100% Pure Organic
Will solidify at low temperatures, so may need warming during winter. Very stable- excellent keeping properties. We use this oil in our bath, shampoo and moisturising products. Contains myristic acid, which is an anti-inflammatory. Chemically similar to and soluble in human sebum, the skins restorative fluid, making jojoba excellent for skin care: useful not only for oily or acne-prone skin but also helps dry skin conditions. Excellent hair oil and for treating dry scalp conditions.
Warm the oil and massage into the scalp and hair. Wrap in a warm towel and leave for as long as possible (overnight maybe). Apply neat shampoo ( do not use water or get the hair wet) and massage well, then rinse and wash hair as usual. Use on its own or as much as you like in a basic oil blend such as almond or Grapeseed.
Kobashi Pure Carrier Oils are Pure as can be, Natural as can be and tested for fatty acid composition.
Carrier oils will last longer if placed in refrigerator or freezer, but this is usually not necessary. They will go solid and then will need defrosting at room temperature.
If you add Kobashi Vitamin E to carrier oils they will last much longer. Add Kobashi Vitamin E Oil for longer shelf life.
Usually cold expeller pressed oils will last a year or two. We can’t control how everyone will store and use them.
We are extra cautious with our Best Before. PLEASE NOTE BEST BEFORE IS NOT A USE BY DATE.
It is best to use common sense, test and don’t automatically throw away.
Some oils have cloudiness at the bottom and this is normal; they are the fatty acid waxes that solidify when cool and this is a good. When the temperature goes up they can become less noticeable. Many of our expeller cold oils have heavier waxes that can settle at the bottom. Give a shake in a warm room to evenly disperse.
Also nut oils may contain aspects of the nuts.