Fractionated, refined coconut oil (MCT) is free from impurities, more readily assimilated by the skin and has good keeping qualities.
Skin is to protect us from the elements. There is a big difference of what’s good for the external vs what’s good for the internals. Coconut oil is good for external protection. Very few oils are good for the internals, but are needed. This is a complex subject and it’s best to get what we need from nuts and plants.
Coconut oil consists mainly of very fluid saturated fatty acids, which are close to human sub-cutaneous fat, and is therefore more compatible with skin than most vegetable oils.
An excellent moisturising and protective oil. It helps to keep the skin soft and supple without being sticky. It is ideal for treating sensitive and damaged skin. Can be blended with other vegetable oils.
What is Fractionated Coconut? MCT Medium chain triglycerides
Not good for internal use as saturated fatty acids or not good for internal arteries and the heart.
Although interestingly our bodies body fat exist as triglycerides. Fat is needed internally to help protect from the cold, amoungst other reasons and incase of starvation due to lack of food.
MCT is called Fractionated Coconut Oil in the British Pharmacopoeia, and fractionated coconut oil is a commonly used designation for MCT. We use the designation MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides).
Advantages of Fractionated Coconut Oil:
* mobile to very low temperatures.
* is colorless and odorless
* long shelf life.
* consists completely of saturated fatty acid side chains, thus more like human fat.
* absorbs more readily into the skin, making it ideal for Aromatherapy massages.
* washes out of your massage sheets and clothing very easily.
* use in pump spray with ease.
* handy for massage therapists as they can spray their massage blends straight onto the customer.
* leaves your skin feeling silky smooth without being greasy.
* completely soluble with all essential oils and compatible with soaps.
* ideal product for natural perfumers who don’t want to use alcohol as a carrier.
Kobashi Pure Carrier Oils are Pure as can be, Natural as can be and tested for fatty acid composition.
Carrier oils will last longer if placed in refrigerator or freezer, but this is usually not necessary. They will go solid and then will need defrosting at room temperature.
If you add Kobashi Vitamin E to carrier oils they will last much longer. Add Kobashi Vitamin E Oil for longer shelf life.
Usually cold expeller pressed oils will last a year or two. We can’t control how everyone will store and use them.
We are extra cautious with our Best Before. PLEASE NOTE BEST BEFORE IS NOT A USE BY DATE.
It is best to use common sense, test and don’t automatically throw away.
Some oils have cloudiness at the bottom and this is normal; they are the fatty acid waxes that solidify when cool and this is a good. When the temperature goes up they can become less noticeable. Many of our expeller cold oils have heavier waxes that can settle at the bottom. Give a shake in a warm room to evenly disperse.
Also nut oils may contain aspects of the nuts.