Organically grown by John and Alice Pawsey in Suffolk, with guidance from chia pioneers Peter and Andrew Fairs, these chia seeds are the result of five years of crop trials and developments. The tiny oil-rich seeds are harvested from the Salvia hispanica plant, a member of the mint family originating in central America, where chia was a staple food in Aztec cultures, alongside beans and corn.
Sprinkle on salads, use in baking, add to smoothies, porridge or granola.
Advised maximum daily intake: 15g
As an egg substitute
Soak 1 tablespoon of seeds in 3 tablespoons of warm water for 30 minutes to replace one egg in vegan baking.
In baking
Add whole or ground chia seeds to bread mixes at up to 5%
Add whole chia seeds to other baking mixes at up to 10%
Other uses
Add whole chia seeds to breakfast cereal at up to 10%
Add whole chia seeds to fruit, nut, and seed mixes at up to 10%
Add whole, mashed or ground chia seeds to fruit juices or smoothies at up to 15g/day